Looking for help? Sure thing! On this page, we’ve collected all the information and links you may need for assistance, whether you're considering purchasing or already own a Mont Blanc product. You can also find additional contact information if you need to reach us or the retailer where you purchased your product.
We are here to help make your everyday easier!
Instructions & manuals
We provide straightforward instructions for all our products. Some require specific guides, while others have comprehensive manuals depending on the car and model. Either way, you’ll find everything attached to the specific product page.
The easiest way to find your model’s instructions is to use our search function in the top right corner.
Spare parts
Looking for spare parts? Great, you’re like us—focused on repairing, reusing, and recycling! If something breaks, we’re sorry about that, but we’ll do our best to help you solve it. Reach out to our customer support, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Our warranty is extensive and reliable: three years for all accessories and five years for all roof racks. We hope this demonstrates how important quality, sustainability, and safety are to us.
How to Make a Claim
The claim is assessed and handled by our retailers, specifically the store where you purchased your product and where your receipt originates. Please contact your retailer for more information.